Friday, September 26, 2008

Absolute Certainty - Rose Connors

There is always a bit of risk when a lawyer writes a crime novel. Especially when the protagonist happens to be a lawyer. The level of detail that goes into the lawyerly aspects of the story can easily get out of control. Fortunately, Rose is able to balance the plot and the law fairly.

This is a modern story told in an innocuous setting. Marty Nickerson is district attorney for Barnstable county MA and a divorced mother of a teenage son. In this tight-knit community on Cape Cod, she finds herself arguing a string of murder cases while trying to raise her son and take care of family and friends directly impacted by loss of loved ones.

The story is filled with a rich and diverse cast of characters. She endeavors to develop each character fully even when they have a fairly minor role. For a first novel, this is exceptional work. I am looking forward to reading her future efforts.

I say reading but, I listened to this one. Bernadette Dune read the book. She makes a good effort to keep the voices of the characters distinct. Sometimes though, she struggles with the males and they all seem to be the voice of retirees who smoke 2 packs a day and have for the past 50 years. She does, however, do an excellent job of pacing. The story is compelling and moves at a brisk pace.

Rose Connors is an up and coming author. I recommend you start reading her now rather than waiting until she has 15 or 20 novels on the shelves.

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