Thursday, September 11, 2008

Death and Honor - WEB Griffin and William E Butterworth IV

Another WWII story set in Argentina. Beginning with a short status check of the war in Europe and Asia during the summer of 1943, we get an understanding of the political climate in neutral Argentina. This chapter of the Honor Bound series spans 22 June to 12 August 1943.

Major Frade of the Marines has been on assignment to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for some time now. An aviator who has been grounded due to injuries, he leaped at the chance to play an active role again in the war. While it is not as glamorous or thrilling as dogfights are, he has an important job to do.

We pick up where Secret Honor left off. The Germans are still trying to land their secret cargo in Argentina. Due to some good sleuthing and key contacts, Frade is able to determine what this cargo contains and why it is so important. While this plot continues to unfold, a new wrinkle is introduced by the Commander in Chief.

FDR has decided that he wants an airline in Argentina that is controlled by the US. With Frade's history as a Naval Aviator, Argentine ancestry and personal friendship with Howard Hughes, he is the perfect candidate to establish and operate South American Airlines.

Things do not go smoothly. But in typical fashion, Frade finds a way. He continues to be his arrogant and flippant self. Somehow managing to charm the ones he needs to and earning the respect of his opposition. There is nothing spectacular about this installment, it ends as the others have. Leaving you wondering what will happen but resting assured that there will be another story to read.

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