Friday, September 5, 2008

Dead Money - Rudy Stegemoeller

I first started this book some years ago when it was being presented in a condensed version as a series in Card Player magazine. I missed the beginning and I missed the end. I also missed several parts in between. I wasn't a subscriber to the magazine so I only got to read it when I could find a copy laying around my local card room. Needless to say, when I saw it on the shelf at the library, I added to my stack.

When I started reading, it was at once familiar. And also clearly not the same. The original story I read took place during a marathon session at his local casino playing in a $30 - $60 game. This story is set during a fairly large tournament. The plot line is the same. A very strong player that most of the poker world is less than fond of is found dead in the parking lot.
Mark Newcomb is a talented amateur poker player. He does well in the cash games when he isn't working in the public defenders office. His wife is less than thrilled with the time he spends playing cards but, she isn't making any ultimatums. Not yet.
The tournament trail is filled with a class of unique individuals and we are introduced to several. People from all walks of life. A multi-millionaire who plays only for the hope of victory to an immigrant who arrived in the country without a cent to his name. Rudy does a good job of fleshing out the characters. We can see whole people, not just cardboard cutouts. More impressively, he does this without slowing the pace or development of the story.
This murder mystery is surprisingly well written. Poker is the backdrop on which the story is told, not the centerpiece. The story itself is compelling and well thought out. Even if you have no interest in poker, this is a great read for any mystery buff.

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