Thursday, October 23, 2008


I made another attempt at using an aggregator to streamline my web surfing. This time I tried FeedReader3. There are no frills with this. The left side contains the list of feeds you have set up and the right side displays the feed you choose to read.

I used it for a couple months and found it quite user friendly and functional. Adding a feed is as simple as cutting and pasting. Organizing the feeds is easy as well with the folder setup. If the feed you are reading includes pictures, they load very quickly within the applet. You also have the option to open the feed you're on in a browser window. Quite useful if you want to explore the site.

I did have some technical difficulties. Fortunately, they did not involve my computer being taken over by addware as another aggregator is prone to do. Rather, it impacted the functionality of my browser. When I would navigate within my browser I would occasionally experience an unrecoverable error. This only happened when the FeedReader3 was active. I would also receive an exception error in the aggregator itself. I decided to try repairing the aggregator to fix the problem. Unfortunately, when I went to add/remove programs it was not in the list.

It turns out, that the FeedReader3 is installed in the root directory. The only option you have is to delete the program and reinstall it. After deleting the program I no longer experienced the error in the web browser. It has been a couple weeks now and I still haven't reinstalled the FeedReader3. It worked out OK. I found nothing on the support pages of the website about the errors I was experiencing so I am not going to reinstall it. Maybe it was something unique to my system, maybe not. Either way FeedReader3 was not a WOW experience. I can and will live without it.

If I hear about another aggregator that has a strong following, I will certainly give it a try.

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