Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Iceberg - Clive Cussler

It was a windy Saturday in Arizona and the college football was not compelling. I pulled out my laptop and let myself be entertained with another of Dirk Pitt's adventures.

This time Dirk finds himself in the North Atlantic searching for a very special iceberg. Inside the iceberg is a ship. Dr Hunnewell, travelling with Pitt, has several explanations as to how a ship could become encased in an iceberg. And since we are here for an adventure, I refuse to think about how plausible any of his theories really are.

Finding and identifying the ship within the iceberg solves one big mystery and leads to several more. Unfortunately for Dr. Hunnewell and NUMA's Special Projects Director, they are not the only ones interested in the iceberg. And the other interested parties are not pleased that they have competition.

The damsel in this story is a beautiful Icelandic princess. Well, technically she isn't a princess but, Dirk is still smitten. When he discovers just after meeting her that he has competition for the lady's heart as well, he employs a most unusual strategy to displace her fiance.

All my college teams took a pounding. Never the less, I had an enjoyable Saturday afternoon thanks in no small part to Dirk.

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