Friday, October 17, 2008

Final Presidential Debate

I watched the debate this past week. This debate focused on domestic policy. America is in the middle of an economic crisis and the plans that these men put forward to address this issue is likely to be the deciding factor for a significant number of voters. It was this specific issue that prompted me to stay at work and watch the debate in the break room rather than make the 45min drive home.

I was more than a little disappointed in both candidates. Obama is a slick talking, charismatic politicians politician. McCain, not so much. When the topic turned to economics I was ready to hear some courageous talk about how to fix the situation. McCain struggled to articulate any word with more than 2 syllables. Obama deftly ignored the topic completely while using words that are typically associated with economics. In the end, I came to a conclusion about each candidate.

John McCain. He has a plan. I don't know what it is or how it would work. He struggled to put forth examples of what the plan entails but, he couldn't put together a complete sentence that made sense. Let alone that paragraph that would be necessary to convey a concept.

Barak Obama. He has no plan. He knows what he wants but, it has nothing to do with helping the American people. It has everything to do with helping Barak. He is polished and articulate. To bad he has nothing to say.

I should have just gone home. I have no idea which candidate to vote for. I want to vote against them both. After this debate, I weep for Americas future.

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