Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Girl with the Long Green Heart - Lawrence Block

Johnny Hayden was living the simple life. Dreaming of the day he could purchase a little no-tel motel just down the road. It wasn't a bad existence; assistant manager of a bowling alley in Boulder Colorado, living in a stark one-bedroom with no windows. It was a far sight better than the last 7 years. Years spent in San Quintin. Until he was visited by a face from the past.

Doug Rance had a plan. It was the perfect confidence scheme. And when it was over, Johnny would have all the money he needed to make his dream a reality.

Lawrence snaps a vivid picture of a grifter's life. He takes the time to educate the reader about the art and the eloquence of the long con. And he does it without sacrificing story or pace.

Take an afternoon at the beach or in your living room on a rainy day and enjoy this little page turner. It is a fast read that will not disappoint.

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