Monday, July 21, 2008

King of a Small World - Rick Bennet

It is rare to find a poker novel that rings true. The reason is simple, people who write well are rarely avid poker players. It is not uncommon to find yourself at the card table for 20 or more hours at a stretch. When are you going to find time to write?

Rick is a clear exception to this rule. His descriptions of the life of a professional poker player have the ring of truth. The typical professional poker player does not make millions a year. The romance of the lifestyle just isn't a reality for most. Poker as means of supporting yourself is hard work.

Joey Moore knows just how hard the work is. He shares an apartment with another gambler, one who struggles and has for all his life. Joey is doing well at the game. He hasn't had any huge wins, he grinds it out. Winning more often than he looses and loosing less than he wins. He has money stashed in quite a few hidey-holes around Prince Georges county in Maryland. A few thousand here and a few thousand there. Not enough to retire on but then Joey is still young.

There is nothing complex about the story. We are examining the life of an average guy with an uncommon occupation. The story is told exclusively from our hero's perspective. The introspective conversations are compelling and authentic. King of a Small World didn't win any awards. Never-the-less, it is a great read.

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