Friday, July 18, 2008

Men of Bronze - Scott Oden

Scott does a wonderful job of taking known history and creating a compelling story within its fold. He creates a complete profile of the hero. Giving equal attention to his flaws as well as his virtues.

Hasbadral Barca is a Phoenician general in service to the Egyptian Pharaoh Khnemibre Ahmose. In 526 B.C. the Pharaoh dies and Egypt's neighbors are eager to conquer and pillage the land. The new Pharaoh, Ankhkaenre Psammetichus, asks Barca to join him in the battle to repulse the Persian invasion.

The final battle at Pelusium is portrayed with a gripping splendor. The details are painted with magnificent brushstrokes. The smallest individual fights within the great battle are depicted with as much energy and largess as the massive conflict itself.

The most difficult part of the book are the names. There is a pronunciation guide at the back for those who are obsessed with getting the names right. This is Scott Oden's first novel and I hope there are many more to follow. Men of Bronze is definitely worth a read.

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